Not the Dinner Day, Saturday February 4th, 2017
Event has now expired

Not the Dinner Day will be held on the Saturday February 4th, 2017. The day will follow the successful format of peals during the day followed by an evening curry.
For the curry, we are returning to last year’s venue, which all those who attended enjoyed thoroughly. The Bangalore Express City is close to Monument and Bank stations, down an alley to the right of The Crosse Keys Pub:
1 Corbet Court
3 - 6 Gracechurch Street
London EC3V 0AT
Dinner will be 7 for a 7.30pm start and the cost will be £20.00. The price covers a three course meal with tea or coffee at the end. There will a mix of 3 different starters and 3 main courses on the table with some vegetable side dishes, nahn and rice, followed by dessert. There is a 20% discount on the price of drinks and service will not be added to this.
It is a really good day, so please come along and support your Society and get some winter warming with ringing and socialising in central London
Sign up and pay
Logged in members can sign up for peal attempts and meal. (If you can't see the link to sign up here, and you have a log-in to this site, you can log in here, then you can sign up; alternatively by ticking the paper list on Wednesday or please email Penny Sharpe the Assistant Secretary.)- Peal attempts: signup has now expired
- Meal: signup has now expired
You can pay Penny Sharpe the Assistant Secretary directly, by cash or cheque (£20.00 per person). Alternatively, you can pay by telephone banking or online banking (also £20.00 per person) or use the PayPal form below (which incurs a small handling fee).
Please notify Penny Sharpe the Assistant Secretary, if you have paid by telephone banking, online banking or paypal.
We hope you can come along and take part in what's typically a fun day out.