Not The Dinner Day 2017

Not-the-Dinner-Day’s informal formula of peal(s), beer and curry on a cold winter Saturday in February is usually a winning one, particularly - but not exclusively - with the London based membership. I am pleased to report that this year was no exception!

4/5 peals of decent quality were scored, with a peal of ‘Pitman’s Six’ unfortunately lost at Spitalfields - something to do with the lure of Brewer’s Gold in the Pride of Spitalfields, perhaps? Following last year’s unanimously successful move away from Brick Lane, we again visited Bangalore Express City, tucked away in the heart of the City of London. Whilst the service was perhaps a little on the slow side, this at least allowed plenty of time for approximately 50 members to catch up with friends old and new. When it did arrive, the food was again excellent, even the ‘Indian Railway Mutton Curry’…! As is usually the case, a large group continued socialising late into the night at the Crosse Keys next door.

Thanks go to Heather Forster for arranging the peal venues, and to Penny Sharpe for utilising her expert negotiation skills in sorting the evening venue once again. A textbook day out.

Tom Mack

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Peals rung for Not The Dinner Day

Peals on Bellboard

City of London,
St James Garlickhythe, Garlick Hill
Saturday, 4 February 2017 in 2hrs 52mins (9-1-25 in G#)
5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Anthony J Cox

  1. John J Ford
  2. Malcolm M Powell
  3. Timothy R Forster
  4. Penelope J V Sharpe
  5. Andrew D Hodgson
  6. Peter J Waterfield (C)
  7. Russell A Brown
  8. Ian G Mills


Stamford Hill, Greater London
St Ann
Saturday, 4 February 2017 in 2hrs 42mins (7-3-1 in A)
5024 Spliced Surprise Major
Composed by Roderick R Horton
4 methods: 1344 Glasgow; 1248 London; 1216 Belfast, Bristol. 113 changes of method, all the work

  1. Douglas J Beaumont
  2. Heather M Forster
  3. Benjamin D Constant
  4. Timothy R Forster
  5. Richard M Hobbs (C)
  6. Thomas B Mack
  7. Adam S Greenley
  8. Jack E Page

Westminster, Greater London
St Clement Danes
Saturday, 4 February 2017 in 3hrs 9mins (21-1-23 in E)
5042 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by Benjamin D Constant

  1. Anne L Rueff
  2. Adam S Greenley
  3. Elizabeth A Hibbert
  4. Jack E Page (C)
  5. Peter W Emery
  6. Richard M Hobbs
  7. Barry D Mack
  8. Claire F Roulstone
  9. Thomas B Mack
  10. Benjamin D Constant

Willesden, Greater London
St Mary
Saturday, 4 February 2017 in 2hrs 36mins (7-3-7 in Bb)
5088 Uxbridge Surprise Major
Composed by Stanley Jenner

  1. Christine M Carter
  2. Michael H D O'Callaghan
  3. Janet E Menhinick
  4. Sally A Schupke
  5. Peter J Blight
  6. Julian Morgan
  7. Malcolm M Powell
  8. Graham A Duke (C)

With best wishes to David Warwick for a speedy and full recovery.
For SRCY 'Not the Dinner Day'