Not The Dinner Day 2024

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Peals rung for Not The Dinner Day

Peals on Bellboard

6 peals so far have been rung for the Society Not The Dinner Day.

City of London,
St Dunstan-in-the-West
Saturday, 3 February 2024 in 3hrs 3mins (10-3-23 in G)
5040 Lincolnshire Surprise Royal
Composed by Daniel J Page

  1. Janet E Archibald
  2. Catherine E Morley
  3. Daniel J Page (C)
  4. John J Ford
  5. Fraser A Storie
  6. Christopher E J Kilgour
  7. Stephen A Wheeler
  8. Stephen A Rossiter
  9. Russell A Brown
  10. Michael R Crockett

Rung for the Society's "Not the Dinner" Day.
First blows in method: 2 and 5.

Harrow Weald, Greater London
All Saints
Saturday, 3 February 2024 in 2hrs 57mins (7-3-3 in A)
5056 Ruthenium Surprise Major
Composed by J W Belshaw

  1. James W Belshaw (C)
  2. Stephanie J Pattenden
  3. Beryl R Norris
  4. Cynthia E Howell
  5. Elizabeth A Hibbert
  6. Penelope J V Sharpe
  7. Peter W Emery
  8. Ian G Campbell

100th peal together: 5,8.

Hayes, Greater London
St Mary
Saturday, 3 February 2024 in 2hrs 54mins (17-1-5 in F)
5152 Unnilseptium Surprise Major
Composed by A J Cox

  1. Daniel J Page
  2. Jimmy L Yeoman
  3. Jack E Page (C)
  4. Catherine E Morley
  5. Claire F Roulstone
  6. Alan Regin
  7. Ian Roulstone
  8. Thomas B Mack

Islington, Greater London
St Mary the Virgin
Saturday, 3 February 2024 in 2hrs 59mins (16-1-21 in E)
5088 London Surprise Major
Composed by A J Cox (rotated)

  1. Geraldine R Forster
  2. Shirley E McGill
  3. Anne L Rueff
  4. Catherine N Merlane
  5. Peter W Emery
  6. Jack E Page (C)
  7. Alan Regin
  8. Claire F Roulstone

200th for the Society: 3.
A 'Not the Dinner' Day peal.

Roker, Tyne and Wear
St Andrew
Saturday, 3 February 2024 in 3hrs 6mins (22-2-26 in E)
5002 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by David G Hull (No.8)

  1. Matthew J L Durham (C)
  2. Harry Z Helyer
  3. Oliver E Rice
  4. Rachel C Wells
  5. Rachel L Mahoney
  6. G Jessica Durham
  7. Matthew D Hetherington
  8. Alex S Riley
  9. Edward R Mack
  10. Ewan G A Hull

Stepney, Greater London
St Dunstan and All Saints
Saturday, 3 February 2024 in 3hrs 21mins (28¾ in Db)
5003 Grandsire Caters
Composed by Samuel C Cave

  1. Linda M Garton
  2. Anne M Anthony
  3. Douglas J Beaumont
  4. Mary E Holden
  5. David C Bath
  6. Samuel C Cave (C)
  7. Andrew D Hodgson
  8. Evie Newton
  9. Nicholas M W Haggett
  10. Jimmy L Yeoman

For SRCY Not the Dinner Day
50th peal: 8
To mark the 200th anniversary of a peal on these bells by the 'Junior Cumberland Society'.