Society of Royal Cumberland Youths

Promoting excellence in ringing around the world

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Not The Dinner Day 2011

Once again we went down to South Croydon for a curry. Unlike two years ago we were blessed with a lack of snow, and in fact almost spring like weather during the day. There were five peal attempts during the day and all were scored. In the afternoon there was some general ringing at South Croydon which was run by the Senior Steward.

There was time for a quick drink or two in the pre dinner pub before heading to Fushia for our meal. The food was plentiful and quite delicious, and the owners were quite felxible with one peal band who arrived a bit later than everyone else. Our thanks must go to Shirley McGill for finding the venue and organising the second part of the day.

Peter Harrison

View photos from this event in our gallery.

Society of Royal Cumberland Youths
Christ Church
Sat Feb 5 2011 3h1 (17)
5088 London Surprise Major
Comp: DF Morrison (No. 27)
1 Benjamin D Kipling
2 Joanna K Dorling
3 Simon A Rudd (c)
4 Ian G Mills
5 John J Ford
6 Ronald F Diserens
7 Peter W Emery
8 Alan Regin

STEPNEY, London E1
St George-in-the-East
Sat Feb 5 2011 2h54 (6)
5088 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
Comp: William Barton
1 Peter J Blight
2 Penelope J V Sharpe
3 Anne L Rueff
4 Janet E Menhinick
5 Geraldine R Forster
6 Michael H D O'Callaghan
7 John P Loveless
8 Peter I Harrison (C)
For Not The Dinner Day

FULHAM, London SW6
All Saints
Sat Feb 5 2011 3h12 (18)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Comp: J Clatworthy
1 Shirley E McGill
2 Alison McCormack
3 Angela M Athawes
4 Richard M Hobbs
5 Michael R Crockett
6 Edward R Mack
7 Benjamin D Constant
8 Adam S Greenley
9 Jason R Turnock
10 Ian R Fielding (C)
In memory of Geoff Dodds.
On SRCY "Not the dinner" day

St James
Sat Feb 5 2011 2h59 (14)
5056 Bristol Surprise Major

Comp: Anthony J Cox
1 Ronald F Diserens
2 Rosemary J Duke
3 John P Loveless (C)
4 Malcolm M Powell
5 Russell A Brown
6 Michael R Crockett
7 Nicholas D Brown
8 Graham A Duke
Rung in memory of Geoffrey Dodds of St Albans, a member of the Society since 1946, who died recently.

BECKENHAM, Greater London
St George
Sat Feb 5 2011 2h53 (15)
5042 Bristol Surprise Royal
Comp: B D Constant
1. E Jane Sibson
2. Joanna K Dorling
3. Christine M Carter
4. Janet E Archibald
5. Janet E Menhinick
6. Edward R Mack
7. Michael H D O'Callaghan
8. Derek E Sibson (C)
9. Simon A Rudd
10. Alan Regin