Not The Dinner Day 2012
Saturday 4th February is affectionately known as 'Curry Day' - an annual event on the calendar which is always popular with the added 'frisson' of not knowing what extremes of weather to expect.
Peals in and around London are a main feature of this day, and this year was no exception. Six peals were scored, at Sunbury-on-Thames, Rotherhithe, St George-in-the-East, Walworth, Waterloo Road and Spitalfields, with one loss at Shoreditch. This disappointment was obviously stalwartly borne by band members having to endure an extra two hours in The Pride of Spitalfields.

Peals rung, pints downed and it was time for the eponymous curry. Not everyone is totally comfortable with spicy food and there are always one or two that 'pass' and go home, but the Sheraz Curry House did us proud with a good mixture of dishes to suit most tastes and I heard only compliments for the food and the staff.
Whilst we were eating, it decided to snow rather heavily - and Brick Lane was soon buried under a pretty comprehensive white blanket. Those with miles to travel sensibly took their leave, while others engaged in a serious snowball fight. Not a good time to be sitting near the doorway! And still it snowed - even London-based folk had to start to think very carefully about their transport arrangements. Derek and Jane (although leaving very promptly) arrived home at 2.00 am. Peter Waterfield, using the train, bettered that with 3.00 am! Happy times, bravely endured by all accounts!
Thanks were given to all those involved in making the day a success.
Shirley McGill
View photos from this event in our gallery.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths
St Mary
Saturday, 4 February 2012 in 2 hrs 54 (14)
5120 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by A J Cox
1 Joanna K Dorling
2 Geraldine R Forster
3 Richard M Hobbs
4 Mary E Holden
5 Ian G Campbell
6 Barry D Mack
7 Alan Regin
8 Ian R Fielding (C)
500th peal: 1.
STEPNEY, London, E1
St George in the East
Saturday, 4 February 2012 in 2 hrs 41 (6)
5024 Uxbridge Surprise Major
Composed by M A Coleman
1 Michael H D O'Callaghan
2 Janet E Menhinick
3 Elizabeth A Hibbert
4 Mary E Dundavin
5 Janet E Archibald
6 Catherine N Merlane
7 Ian G Mills
8 Peter J Waterfield (C)
WATERLOO, Greater London
St John the Evangelist
Saturday, 4 February 2012 in 3 hrs 2 (17)
5120 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by D F Morrison
1 Lee Pinnington
2 Fiona M Wheeler
3 Malcolm M Powell
4 Michael R Crockett
5 Simon Read
6 Peter J Blight
7 Stephen A Wheeler (C)
8 Claire F Roulstone
St Peter
Saturday, 4 February 2012 in 2 hrs 30 (3)
5120 Lessness Surprise Major
Composed by A J Cox
1 Michael H D O'Callaghan
2 Joanna K Dorling
3 Janet E Menhinick
4 Simon Read
5 Peter W Emery
6 Ian W Blake
7 Shirley E McGill
8 Ian R Fielding (C)
SS Mary & Paul
Saturday, 4 February 2012 in 2 hrs 52 (11)
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
(8m: 704 each Lincolnshire, Superlative; 672 Rutland; 608 each Cambridge, Pudsey, Yorkshire; 576 each Bristol, London; 139 com, atw.)
Composed by A N Tyler
1 Derek E Sibson (C)
2 E Jane Sibson
3 Anne L Rueff
4 Mary E Holden
5 Janet E Archibald
6 Ronald F Diserens
7 Douglas J Beaumont
8 Peter J Waterfield
Christ Church
Saturday, 4 February 2012 in 3 hrs 2 (17)
5056 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by A J Cox
1 Michael R Crockett
2 Elizabeth A Hibbert
3 John J Ford
4 Penelope J V Sharpe
5 Claire F Roulstone
6 Benjamin D Kipling
7 Richard M Hobbs (C)
8 Alan Regin