SRCY Ringing World Statement
The Officers and Trustees of the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths are deeply sorry to inform the wider ringer community of the loss of the SRCY Master’s Badge.
The loss occurred in July 2024 in the Ealing Broadway area of London. Since then, despite reporting to the police and recovery efforts including contacting pawnshops, Ebay searches, image searches, and reaching out to homeless charities and antique shops, we have been unable to locate the badge and so the loss was announced to our members at the Society's January 2025 business meeting, which was held at St Martin in the Fields.
The badge, which the Master wears to official Society functions and when representing the Society, is constructed of two parts and is of significant historical importance. The upper part of the badge is an enameled medallion depicting the Duke of Cumberland on his horse and is encircled by the society motto; Pro Patria Et Amico, 'For Country and Friends'. We believe the medallion to be older than the Society itself by a short period, making it around 278 years old, and that it was made as a commemorative item relating to the Duke of Cumberland. When the Cumberland Youths were formed our belief is that an early member, or Master, acquired the medallion and decided it would make a fine badge for the Society.
The lower, larger, part of the badge is a silver oval disc featuring a relief of a bell and is surrounded by inscriptions reading 'Health and Strength Concurs to Support the Noble Art'. This part of the badge was added by William Manley esq. of Rochester, Kent when he was Master of the Society in 1772. He appears to have commissioned the disc as his name appears on it.
The whole Society is profoundly saddened by this loss and any assistance that our friends in the ringing community could offer to help us recover the badge would be extremely gratefully received. A reward of £1,000 is offered for the recovery of the badge, or for significant information leading to its safe return.
If you have any information or feel able to help by, for example, spreading word of the badge and the ongoing recovery effort in your area, please contact David Bath, the Honorary Secretary (, for information and images.
SRCY Officers and Trustees