2013 July Country Meeting Report
I'd been looking forward to the country meeting weekend in Scotland for almost a year, and eventually the day itself arrived. The journey up took quite a long time for us owing to an accident on the Forth Road Bridge, and we were overdue for a drink by the time we arrived at Tulloch. Thanks to the tempting prospect of a walk in the seemingly endless evening light we managed not to spend all night in the pub.
This was fortunate as table-football is certainly not something I'd like to attempt with a hangover. Yes, not only does Tulloch have a ring of 12, but upstairs there is a train set and the football table which some people seem to be able to operate and, last but not least, a ping-pong table! I watched in admiration while Alan and Jack Page somehow managed to manipulate the little footballers into obeying their every whim. However, Jo and I had been getting our eye in on the ping-pong table while they were twitching and twiddling away, and we redeemed ourselves as soon as Alan and Jack dared to come and take us on at a proper sport.
After some truly delicious flapjacks and lemon drizzle cake it was time for a peal attempt. Tim Forster had discovered a while ago that Geraldine had rung a peal on every bell at every stage from Minor to Maximus except the tenor to Maximus, and she completed the set by ringing the tenor to Yorkshire Max in a most enjoyable peal. We then had about an hour for refuelling in the cake-laden kitchen and for another burst of ping-pong before the next attempt: Cambridge Royal. Unfortunately it wasn't successful, but at least that meant that we could obey the siren-call of the gin bottle - clearly audible from the Tulloch ringing room - without any further delay.
On Friday the Dunblane band gathered in the heat and tried to summon up sufficient energy for the task ahead, with the added pressure that it was a "must score", given the press where there before, during and after the peal. We were the lucky ones though: some people's timetable for Friday sounded even more exhausting. JJ and Lee, for instance, drove from Tulloch down to Dunkeld and then up to Inverness and then all the way back down to Edinburgh! I must say, though, that it's probably just as well that JJ was too busy on the Friday to pop in at Dunblane, as there's a good chance that he would have provoked the locals into launching Trident by affecting ignorance of some recent sporting headlines. "Andy Murray? Oh...... is he the one who won some tournament or something?"
On the Saturday morning several peals were attempted and there was a general ringing route around Edinburgh. I can safely say that I've never been hotter while ringing a peal, but just as I thought I was certain to expire I looked at Richard Smith, who had misjudged the weather while packing and who was wearing a long-sleeved top! The fact that he was still managing to ring under those circumstances persuaded me that it might be possible to continue without dying of heatstroke.
The meeting on Saturday afternoon was relatively uneventful, and then it was time for the eating and drinking! At first the ceilidh was an excellent spectator sport in fact - but alas, all too soon I was wrested from my lurking-place on the sidelines and found myself shambling around like a circus elephant in flippers, being pushed and pulled from pillar to post. There seemed to be no escape from Peter's camera's all-seeing eye. In the middle of a particularly bewildering dance Lee Pinnington's trousers fell down! Even the band had to stop playing for everyone to recover from the scene.
The beer was really good, but unfortunately everybody thought so and it ran out rather early on in the proceedings. The food was very good too, and everything had been organised very efficiently. Many thanks to Matt Edwards and his team, and to Peter and Helen for their wonderful hospitality in Tulloch. Thanks also to Shirley and the Officers, who ensured that everything ran perfectly smoothly; no mean feat when the towers are spread all over the country! It was a thoroughly enjoyable country meeting. I'm looking forward to the next one!
Janet Archibald
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Society of Royal Cumberland Youths
Christ Church
Thursday, 11 July 2013 in 2h54 (16)
5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Anthony J Cox
1 Andrew J Davey
2 Janet E Menhinnick
3 Emma J Southerington
4 Malcolm M Powell
5 Michael H D O'Callaghan
6 Richard C Smith
7 Peter J Waterfield (C)
8 Kristopher King
500th peal of Major: 7
500th peal as conductor
St Hilda
Thursday, 11 July 2013 in 2h45 (9)
5056 Spliced Surprise Major
(5m: 1056 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Superlative, Yorkshire; 832 Rutland. 76 com, atw)
Composed by E J Southerington
1 Barbara Davies
2 Michael H D O'Callaghan
3 Janet E Menhinick
4 Emma J Southerington (C)
5 Andrew J Davey
6 Alan R Baldock
7 Malcolm M Powell
8 Peter J Waterfield
Minster Church of St Michael and All Angles and St Benedict Biscop
Thursday, 11 July 2013 in 2h50 (12)
5000 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by R Baldwin
1 Sophie E Palmer
2 Ruth Curtis
3 Jennifer A Town
4 Christine Richardson
5 Andrew J Cairns
6 Claire F Roulstone
7 Colin M Lee (C)
8 Anthony P Cotton
9 Paul F Curtis
10 Ian Roulstone
St Andrew, Roker
Thursday, 11 July 2013 in 3h9 (22)
5000 Spliced Surprise Royal
(4m: 1280 Yorkshire; 1240 each Bristol, Cambridge, London (No. 3). 101 com, atw)
Composed by R C Kippin
1 Jennifer A Town
2 Ruth Curtis
3 Christine Richardson
4 Ian Roulstone (C)
5 Andrew J Cairns
6 Anthony P Cotton
7 Paul F Curtis
8 Colin M Lee
9 Ian G Campbell
10 Claire F Roulstone
TULLOCH, Highland
Tulloch Ringing Centre
Thursday, 11 July 2013 in 3h13 (7)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Composed by F Blagrove
1 Janet E Archibald
2 Lee Pinnington
3 Shirley E McGill
4 Ann Smith
5 E Jane Sibson
6 John J Ford
7 Richard L Thumwood
8 Ian V J Smith
9 Graham A Duke
10 Derek E Sibson (C)
11 Alan Regin
12 Geraldine R Forster
ABERDEEN, Aberdeenshire
Cathedral Church of St Machar
Friday, 12 July 2013 in 2h56 (14)
5056 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by Anthony J Cox
1 Helen Brotherton
2 Mary E Holden
3 Derek J Wilsden
4 Richard C Smith
5 Andrew J Cairns
6 Peter J Waterfield (C)
7 William A Brotherton
8 Colin M Lee
DUNBLANE, Stirling
Cathedral Church of St Blane & St Laurence
Friday, 12 July 2013 in 3h20 (25)
5056 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by D W Beard
1 E Jane Sibson
2 Stephanie J Pattenden
3 Janet E Archibald
4 Geraldine R Forster
5 James W Belshaw
6 Derek E Sibson (C)
7 Michael Angrave
8 Ian V J Smith
Rung following the wedding of Natalie Angela Cairney and Charles David Beattie and to celebrate Andy Murray's Championship win at Wimbledon.
DUNDEE, Tayside
Old Steeple
Friday, 12 July 2013 in 3h10 (19)
5152 Lessness Surprise Major
Composed by E J Southerington (No. 2a)
1 Michael H D O'Callaghan
2 Joanna K Dorling
3 Andrew J Davey
4 Janet E Menhinick
5 Alan R Baldock
6 Stephen A Elwell-Sutton
7 Emma J Southerington (C)
8 Alan Regin
DUNKELD, Tayside
Cathedral Church of St Columba
Friday, 12 July 2013 in 2h36 (6)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(7m: 1. Northumberland, 2. Alnwick, 3. Newcastle, 4. York, 5. Durham, 6. Berwick, 7. Hexham)
1 Penelope J V Sharpe
2 John J Ford
3 Anthony P Cotton
4 Lee Pinnington
5 Emma J Southerington (C)
6 Andrew J Davey
700th peal: 1
Cathedral Church of St Andrew
Friday, 12 July 2013 in 3h09 (17)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Composed by Benjamin D Constant
1 Nicola A Marshall
2 Lee Pinnington
3 Christine M Carter
4 Penny V J Sharpe
5 Stephen J Hall
6 John J Ford
7 Malcolm M Powell
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Graham A Duke (C)
10 Ian G Mills
The College Chapel of St Salvator
Friday, 12 July 2013 in 2h40 (8)
5040 Surprise Minor
(7m: 1. Westminster, 2. Bourne, 3. Netherseale, 4. Ipswich, 5. London, 6. Cambridge, 7. Norwich)
1 Ian G Campbell
2 Claire F Roulstone
3 Ruth Curtis
4 Ian Roulstone
5 Timothy J Peverett
6 Paul F Curtis (C)
4500th Peal: 1
21st Tower for a peal in Scotland: 5
TULLOCH, Highland
The Ringing Centre
Friday, 12 July 2013 in 3h2 (7)
5042 Cambridge Surprise Maximus
Composed by R W Pipe
1 Joanna K Dorling
2 Ruth Curtis
3 Shirley E McGill
4 Richard L Thumwood
5 Timothy J Peverett
6 Paul F Curtis
7 Helen M McGregor
8 Stephen A Rossiter
9 Claire F Roulstone
10 Alan Regin
11 Ian Roulstone (C)
12 Ian G Campbell
ALLOA, Clackman
St John Evan
Saturday, 13 July 2013 in 2h58 (13)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by T B Worsley
1 Andrew J Davey
2 Stephanie J Pattenden
3 Margaret E Oram
4 Emma J Southerington
5 Richard C Smith
6 Ian H Oram
7 James W Belshaw (C)
8 Janet E Archibald
HADDINGTON, East Lothian
St Mary
Saturday, 13 July 2013 in 2h45 (11)
5088 Spliced Surprise Major
(4m: 1536 Rutland; 1344 Bristol; 1152 Yorkshire; 1056 Cambridge. 74 com)
Composed by D F Morrison (No. 71)
1 Ian G Campbell
2 Janet E Menhinick
3 Michael H D O'Callaghan
4 Malcolm M Powell
5 Peter J Waterfield
6 Anthony P Cotton
7 Ian Roulstone (C)
8 Claire F Roulstone
PAISLEY, Strathclyde
St James
Saturday, 13 July 2013 in 3h20 (22)
5152 Spliced Surprise Major
(4m: 1504 Cambridge; 1312 Bristol; 1280 London and 1056 Superlative. 106 com, atw)
Composed by Albert J Pitman
1 Shirley E McGill
2 Ruth Curtis
3 Felicity S Warwick
4 Penelope J V Sharpe
5 Richard L Thumwood
6 Julia R Cater
7 David A Warwick (C)
8 Paul F Curtis