Society of Royal Cumberland Youths

Promoting excellence in ringing around the world

Welcome Guest

Informal Dinner - 10th September

Crowne Plaza, Shoreditch, 7.00pm for 7.30pm

This year's anniversary dinner takes place on Saturday 10 September at the Crowne Plaza, 100 Shoreditch High Street, Shoreditch, London, E1 6JQ. A sign up list is available on the website now and we will contact you about menu choices in due course. The price of the dinner will be £30 and payment is required in advance. You can do this either via the paypal option or by sending your cheques to Jo Dorling, Assistant Secretary, 39 Maud Road, London, E13 0JT.

It's a return to the same venue as last year due to popular demand. For those that haven't been before this gives us exclusive use of the restaurant together with superb views across the City. The Crowne Plaza is just 10 minutes walk from Liverpool Street station - equidistant between the station and Shoreditch church.

We really hope you would like to come - the more members that attend the better the event. There will be peals in the morning and afternoon and please do sign up for those too.

September seems a fair way away at the moment, but I can't believe we have reached June already! We do need to give numbers to the hotel by 19 August, so please don't delay and sign up today.

Many thanks in anticipation.

Jo Dorling


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